I also took a stab at the button layout while I was at it. Once I had these mapped out I could start on the screen hole and screen surround. I started by mapping out the screw posts, I measured them out the best I could then I printed just the screw posts with a brim on the base of them, This way so I could compare it to the PCB and rear of the case. It does follow the basic design and layout of the released unit. Also I couldn’t at first find a photo of the base of the beta unit but I ended up finding one and its quite different including the L and R buttons.
I decided to keep the original rear shell of the DS phat because that part doesn’t really take away from the new face plate and saves me a TON of work. Join me below to see how I pulled it off. This is probability the most complex thing I have ever designed. Before the Original DS was released they were showing off a different design then what they ended up releasing, Ive always thought that the original design was so much better.
I’ve been making a few Gameboy Marco and I have seen a few different 3d printed face plates for the DS Lite but non for the DS Phat.